On Friday 22nd October, Columbus Day or Indigenous People’s Day was celebrated and Primary House activities took place. The general theme was culture, and each classroom represented a station where different activities were carried out for the students to understand in a didactic way everything related to the different cultures and to obtain points for their respective houses.
Throughout the day the students were grouped into their different houses to compete against each other and the team with the highest number of points per activity would be the winner.
“We are celebrating Columbus Day, and we decided to do academic activities centred on Colombia, to cover everything that Colombia is in terms of culture. It’s a way for them to learn in a playful manner. I love this activity because it has a pedagogical component, an academic component, it’s having Colombia and seeing it from different perspectives. It is within the framework of the Houses activity, so they learn and add points for their Houses,” said Andrea Díaz, Coordinator of the second grade.
One of the activities of the day was to choose the correct answers through Kahoot, where all the questions selected were based on knowledge of the regions of the country. In another classroom, through the map of their country, they got to know the regions by identifying their names and knowing their location.
“I had fun with my friends, I learned about other cultures. We did fun activities, I got to know many new and interesting things and the best of all is that I was able to experience new situations with most of my classmates,” said Oriana Hurtado García, a Primary School student.
All the activities of this day were important for the students to know how the culture is composed in the different regions of the interior of the country. Through another activity they learned about the typical dances of some Colombian regions, in another activity they learned about and drew a commemorative mask of the Barranquilla carnival.
“I really liked the Casas activity and I had a lot of fun. I was able to do a lot of things. I really liked being able to share with other friends,” said Mathias Nissan, a primary school student.
One of the activities that generated the most tension among the students was the competition held in the music room, where an exercise was carried out in which the children visited different countries through their imagination and the information provided by the teachers. After learning about the culture of other countries, the students had to answer a trivia quiz, one student per House was selected and answered the questions.
“The children had to present knowledge challenges and physical activities through games. They were asked a trivia questions, the physical activities were carried out according to the traditional games in this case of some countries, they made Origami figures from Japan, in the United States the Bottle Challenge, in Trinidad and Tobago the Limbo Step and in China with the Chopsticks they moved objects from one side to another, developing the profile of open mind, respecting other cultures and understanding that we are all different,” said Angélica Henao, Primary School teacher.