Our student, Juan José Díaz Dávalos claimed the championship title with his team in the 2012 category of the Children’s Football Tournament at Club Campestre this past summer.
In a series of impressive matches, Juan José’s team dominated the competition, winning all seven games. The young striker contributed significantly to their success, finding the net in five of those matches, including the crucial final.
Despite his undeniable talent, Juan José remains grounded. He admits that facing opponents who he perceives as superior can be challenging, as he sometimes struggles to find his rhythm. However, these challenges have only fueled his determination to excel in the sport he loves.
Juan José’s passion for football began at a tender age of four, inspired by his family’s enthusiasm for the game. His recent triumph is a testament to his hard work, dedication, and natural ability. As he continues to develop his skills, it’s clear that Juan José has a bright future ahead in the world of football.
Nuestro estudiante Juan José Diaz Dávalos quedó campeón junto a su equipo, en el Torneo Infantil de Fútbol del Club Campestre, en la categoría 2012, después de jugar 7 partidos y ganarlos en su totalidad. Durante este torneo, Juan José comenta que hizo goles durante cinco partidos y durante la final.
Además, menciona que en este tipo de competencias, lo más dificil para él es “cuando hay gente mejor que yo, porque siento que me pierdo mucho, no me encuentro a mi mismo, entonces siento que es un nuevo reto”, sin embargo esto no ha sido un obstáculo para destacarse en este deporte.
Juan José empezó a entrenar este deporte desde los cuatro años, porque a toda su familia le gusta y se siente feliz de este gran triunfo.